Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day Nine

Well I did it! I met up with the group, PNW Leisure Hikers, and had a blast! We went on a real light hike and then a little bit tougher hike; at least tough for out of shape me! I met a lot of great people and am really glad I did this. We gave each other a lot of encouragement and support to make it up the tough parts of the hike. I am looking forward to more hikes with this group!

I also met two really cool chicks, Jamie and Ashley, and we exchanged Facebook info.

Riley did good too. She was pretty excited to be around a bunch of people and there were a couple small dogs that came along as well. I wish there would have been a couple more bigger dogs, and I really wish it could have been an off leash hike! 

We hiked past two waterfalls and the little person in the waterfall picture is Isabell (12 years old next month). She decided she was going to be mine and Riley's hiking buddy and never left our side. We took turns holding Riley's leash and she was thrilled to learn that I believed in fairies and watched Dr. Who. She also was really polite and asked if we would be on future hikes, and she also talked my ear off!

And lastly, I received a real nice holiday postcard from one of my Twitter friends, Steph. I thought that was really sweet! I need to send random cards to people I know!

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