Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day Thirty Seven

Today was a great day! The sun was shining and the weather was awesome so I decided to wander around the yard a bit and look at things to see if anything was blooming yet. I found one flower on the side of the house that was blooming a pretty purple color and I am hoping more spread from there.

I also took the time to replant one bush from the side of the house practically underneath Riley's ghetto doghouse to an area next to the porch that Riley calls her digging area. I then sat outside reading for a couple of hours and soaking up the sun I so dearly miss.

Next it was off to rollerskating! Ashley, Drea, and I had an awesome time and we were worn out afterward! I think we skated for about three hours! We only had a couple of falls which was pretty impressive considering there were tons of kids there and they were all over the place waving their arms and sprawling acorss the rink each time they fell (which was quite often). We also did the hokey pokey which I sang real loud to get others involved. It was fun!

We stopped at Red Robin because we were also starving! After dinner we were all groaning as we stood up as our muscles were protesting what we had put them through today.  To end the night we grabbed some coffee from Starbucks and then I headed home to relax and get the energy to take a hot bath! Hiking tomorrow!

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