Busy day today! I ventured out on foot, with two shoes on, for a walk with Riley. I planned to just walk to the water area and let her run around. I thought it was about a 1/2 mile away, so I would have ended up walking a mile. That should have been a good distance, maybe a little more then I should be doing, but I am hardcore! My walking was pretty darn good to start; I think anyone looking would not have even noticed a limp. The way back was a bit different and I was a bit gimpy.

So using my new nifty Fitbit tracker I was able to log the distance and record the details. It ended up being 1.54 miles, 3479 steps, 45 minutes, at about 30 min a mile. I will win marathons with that time! haha...
Actually it wasn't that bad, I stopped at the waters edge and threw a stick for Riley numerous times. That's her waayyy out there. I threw the stick as far as I could and she had sooooooo much fun swimming far out to get it! She was pretty worn out and I was in quite a bit of pain on the way back though, but I toughed through it! I was pretty proud of how sweaty and tired I was afterward!
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