Monday, January 18, 2010

Day Eighteen

I got a new pair of running shoes today! I went to a place in Seattle where they have you run on a treadmill and they film it to check out your gait (Thanks to mum and Zach for the idea to find a place that does that!). It was pretty cool to see the results and listen to them explain the results afterward. The guy helping me was really helpful and spent a lot of time discussing the shoes with me.

I ended up getting the Puma's. It turns out I have a pretty normal gait and just need lots of padding to make it more cushiony. The shoes are guys shoes, but I liked the orange better then the purple! I really like how these Puma's give me toes lots of room to move around. My foot doesn't feel like a sausage! Tomorrow I start over Week 2 of the C25K.

Hopefully the new shoes help with the pain in the sides of my calves so I can finsh the week without crying and move on to Week 3!

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