Monday, August 16, 2010

Day Two Hundred and Twenty Eight

I did another one of those long walks to and from the bus stop, except this time I brought my hiking backpack with water. Last time I did this walk in the heat I felt icky partway back.

So this picture is the view from the top of the hill by the bus stop where Riley and I sat for a bit and drank some water. I went earlier today, before my coffee, which worked out well since it was cooler and I really enjoyed my yummy breakfast.

Breakfast was scrambled eggs with goat cheese, garlic, and rosemary with a few wedges of cantaloupe. Having the fresh eggs with breakfast again made me think about getting a couple of my own chickens. I bet I could build my own chicken coup, and chickens are pretty cheap to buy, like 15 to 20 bucks each.


  1. Chickens are so much fun, remember when we had Snow White and Hank in South Pasadena.


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